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"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked" Bernard Meltzer Real friendship doesn't need to be polite "We are best friends Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up after I finish laughing" — UnknownJan 12, 17 · Sometimes, it's the cute love notes you share with that special someone that makes them smile and leaves a lasting impression With these cute love quotes, you'll find it all From a dreamy love quote from Dr Seuss to a famous line from Dr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice these cute love quotes will make anyone feel appreciatedWhen you truly love someone, it may be hard to express those emotions through words In fact, real love may make you feel weak in the knees and unable to speak Perhaps that's the best type of love – where the other person makes you fall so completely in love that you are unable to think properly Though that can become a problem as well Love I Love...

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3/11/17 · 25 Small Beauty and the Beast Tattoos That Are Positively Charming March 11, 17 by Nicole Yi 18 Abstract Tattoo Ideas That'll Make You24 Beauty and Beast Tattoo;4/23/19 · These cute and small quote tattoo designs are the perfect addition to any girl's tattoo collection There are so many messages to choose from, so there is sure to be something ideal for any type of girl All the quotes are heartfelt and beautiful and showcase an idea that is Thigh Tattoos For Women Beauty And The Beast Page 1 Line 17qq Com Small beauty and the beast tattoo quotes